Very nice summary of the issues involved in a theology of creation. I also appreciate your insistence on panentheism, something that has become increasingly important for my understanding of life in the world.

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Interesting discussion. I'm inclined to agree, but as a fan of Charles Hartshorne's discussion of the issues in "Philosophers Speak of God" and Nikolai Berdyaev's writings I wonder if our ontology is complete without a role for Meonic Freedom as Berdyaev put it.

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I remember once in my college physics class discussing what physicists called the "force" that held positively charged protons together in the nucleus of an atom when they should be flying apart away from each other being all like charged. I asked our professor what that "force" was, and he said that nobody knows. Being a brand new "born again" believer in Jesus Christ who had been reading my Bible and, especially, the New Testament, I thought of the verse that you mention from Colossians about Jesus holding all things together. I can't remember now if I said, "Maybe that 'force' is Jesus Christ!" I used to be bold enough to say things like that. But I can't remember now if I did. I hope I did.

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