Thank you so much for this. It is actually comforting to think that God is in ongoing active creation. It makes me think of what happens to a house when it is abandoned -- it slowly deteriorates, and if left long enough can even collapse in on itself. Humans living in it and doing the basic ongoing maintenance is what keeps the house whole and healthy.

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Oh my goodness. I love that so much - I’ve learned to see God as holding everything together and creating in each moment as opposed to it being done, but I *love* the framing that we are participating in the birth of the cosmos, that we are part of the groaning as in birth pains referenced in Romans.

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I’ve been thinking about Teilhard de Chardin and “open & relational theology” lately

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This is really helpful to me. Thank you for your clarity.

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I find this framing helpful. The idea that creation is the first incarnation. I have also found helpful to remember that God is outside of our timeline. All events are open to God - even things in our past. As Chris Green likes to say God is not done being God in this situation yet. God is always working for our good and the good of all people even when we can't perceive it.

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