I am drinking deeply from your posts, Richard. This was beautiful theology - the kind that mirrored a creative and loving God who wants to order our desires rightly for our flourishing. Thank you. Beautiful.

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"...transform eros into agape". Time to rewind to your post on 'The Teleological Gaze: Part 3, After Virtue'

Else we spiritualize sex as an occasion to misuse it.

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If people are serious to reason through Richard’s arguments versus others, then they’d do well to listen to a few talks by Christopher West. But I don’t believe people really think through their positions. We’re all really just exercising worldview defense. We gravitate to people who help justify the positions we already hold.

It’s been almost 100 years since all churches started, one by one, to change their positions on contraception. The social changes have been radical and yet living on this side of the divide we’re at once oblivious to this watershed and it’s become impossible to see and feel to a time from before it. The notion that contraception could be wrong is seen as completely absurd and so dismissed out of hand.

At least here, Richard has attempted a justification.

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The subjugation of women through BDSM strategies, as well as the enslavement of millions for centuries, was justified by certain exegetical perversive readings of scripture. For some, contraception can be seen as a form of physical and spiritual empowerment, viz. - a leveling of the playing field that's been long overdue. Fortunately, some 'Watersheds' can cause enough of an erosion of the dogmatic status quo or establishment, to then bring about necessary and lasting changes.

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Thank you for this series! 💗

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