Wow. Reminds me of an anecdote I heard from a woman recently, with her lovely British accent. She was telling of her childhood when she had a disordered live for junk food. She was hiding in the closet with her chips. Her mother found her and she expected a shaming word. Instead her mother said with warmth and rescue, "Come here love and let's have a snuggle. You don't need those." She felt the love and salvation of God in that moment.

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God meets us in our mess with a kiss. I like this, in fact, could we say this is a metaphor of the gospel of Jesus? It seems, however, we can and do ignore his kiss and continue to plunge into sin. We then experience the destructive consequence of sin in our life. He continues his gracious affection toward us, but, sadly, we possess the potential to dismiss it all the way to the end. This quote raises the question of whether our rejection of God matters in the end and answers with a "no". There is some biblical reasoning for this. There is also substantial biblical reasoning for "yes" our rejection does matter in the end. In this tension, I reside. Part of me wants all saved, but this conflicts with the other part of me that says a loving God must be a just God who delivers judgment to those who perpetrate great suffering on others. Anyone else live in this struggle?

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Beautiful. May God remind me with kisses every time that I forget this Truth!

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