Good thoughts! Thank you!

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Awesome reframe! Thank you.

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I think it mean put God first.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”

Priorities. Everything comes from God.

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I remember from somewhere in my youth (so a long time ago:) a person said that God is not interested in being the top priority in a list of priorities but rather being involved (i.e. to enrich) in all of our priorities. Thanks for bringing this long forgotten thought back to my mind.

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I've noticed this too - in one case, with a very prominent, recently retired Christian pastor very well known for his writings. I heard him speak three days in a row (college chapel services) and my take away was basically that he just had an obsessive personality and his particular obsession was making up rules that God wanted us all to follow. Some people have that kind of personality and when they get put in leadership, others also end up getting twisted around too. God doesn't want us to be less than normal people who are capable of making emotional connections with each other.

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