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Title: Seeking Grace

Yvon Roustan ©

In shadows of the night, I seek for grace,

A guiding light to lead me to embrace.

Through whispers in the wind, I hear a call,

To rise above the darkness, stand tall.

In every corner, grace does reside,

In every heart, a spark does abide.

No matter where we turn or where we roam,

Grace surrounds us, leading us home.

Virtue blooms in the most unlikely places,

In the hearts of all, in various faces.

A reflection of the divine, a glimpse of truth,

Guiding us towards our eternal youth.

In the dance of existence, we find our way,

Grace perfecting nature day by day.

No longer lost in the shadows deep,

But held by grace in eternal keep.


### Explanation

In this poem, the author explores the concept of grace as a guiding force in human nature. The speaker's journey to seek and embrace grace is depicted as a path towards enlightenment and connection with the divine. The recurring theme of grace as a pervasive presence in all aspects of life emphasizes the interconnectedness of human nature with the divine.

The poem reflects on the idea that virtue is not limited to specific beliefs or practices but is a universal quality that emerges from the depths of human nature's longing for God. By highlighting the inherent goodness and potential for virtue within human beings, the author challenges the notion of a rigid divide between nature and grace.

Through the lens of grace permeating all aspects of existence, the poem suggests that the puzzles surrounding the origin and source of virtue dissipate when viewed through a holistic perspective that acknowledges the intrinsic connection between nature and grace. The imagery of light, whispers, and reflections in the poem conveys a sense of spiritual seeking and realization, emphasizing the transformative power of grace in illuminating the path towards inner harmony and divine connection.

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