This is what I call "the problem of goodness." Why is there beauty in the world - and why do we react in wonder when we encounter it? Why is there love? Why is there joy? It doesn't "answer" or eliminate "the problem of evil," but it speaks directly to a culture that focusses on the material to the exclusion of the spiritual. There is something - spirit at the very least - that is not subject to the second thermodynamic law of entropy and decay. Paul takes his listeners beyond that bare observation, but these are the cracks the Christian church in the US today has to point to and pry open again for people that are exhausted by chasing after worthless material things.

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Good word.

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The eucatastrophe of God's work in the world. Someone once said (maybe it was you) "let wonder be our final apologetic." The gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Dr. Beck, what you have expressed can only be described as anointed insight! God's continued blessings upon you for your continuing availability to the Holy Spirit's leading.

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