This was a very helpful writing for me. I am presently in a “Winter“ season and have desperately wanted to wake up the Lord after my leg amputation and mild ocular stroke. Yet I am also experiencing deep communion with Him, including a recognition of his Lordship and control. Thank you for this article in which I feel more permitted to combine my complaint with my communion.

Is a full text version of your 2007 “Winter“article available?

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Praying for you, Brother.

I’m also a little envious of the sweet communion that you describe, but I wouldn’t want to get it in the way that you did . . . but if I live long enough, I’m sure that I will, and I also pray to God that I do. If you start posting on your substack, I’ll subscribe to it.

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Thank you…your piece gives helpful light on what I’m wrestling through right now…

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I wonder if when Jacob wrestled with the man who wouldn't tell Jacob his name but who Jacob concluded must have been God . . . if Jacob was actually just wrestling with himself? I think that Jacob did wrestle with the so-called Angel of the LORD who cheated and put Jacob's hip out of joint when He couldn't prevail against Jacob . . . but then, I wasn't there. So, what do I know? Except that I do know this that I often confuse myself with God. Hell, doesn't everyone?

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Your post just inspired this one in me, Dr. Beck . . . and I also just bought the artwork that I used in my post. It was kind of expensive for my budget, but I really love it. https://themjkxn.substack.com/p/god-cheats

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