Exodus can be used to mean different things, and the historical event of the Israelites leaving Egypt has been called The Exodus. Using that term exclusively brings confusion, especially when dealing with other events in other cultures. You're correct that the verse implies that Israel is just like other nations. And yes, the Philistines were called out by God and made to be there for that time. But God does not require an Exodus-like event to do so. Requiring such of him is more limiting than the alternative.

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While certainly true, that one should avoid “to lock God inside a theological, doctrinal box”, one should avoid making God into Whatever/Whoever one imagines, which is how I read “enormously pliable and supple”. Our perceptions of God perhaps should be pliable, but I’m pretty sure “I Am Who I Am” is more singular than our perceptions. The task is to keep searching for the I Am and to know Him. It is a life’s journey.

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Okaaaay…this needs a re-read…and then another! I appreciate your willingness to stomp on the boxes with which we keep trying to contain a God who is far beyond our ability to comprehend! Thank you for the challenge.

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