Finished it on Saturday! Beautiful book!

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I’m looking forward to reading Shape Of Joy. I’ve read several of your books and especially enjoyed-and continue to enjoy-Magic Eels. Transcendence,awe, the magic of creation are powerful balms indeed.

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When our son was a boy, we went to a "Celebration of Life" for his second-grade teacher who had been a widow for years before she then died, but not before she had impressed her students and their families with an example of what goodness looks like. A family member spoke and recounted how this lovely woman had lived by an acrostic that she tried very hard to emulate and succeeded by all accounts. The word was "JOY," which stood for "Jesus," then "Others," and "Yourself," in that order.

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22 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

Just bought the book and look forward to reading it. You hit a point with me in that I have never had to pay a cent to read your writings here. All the other emails I read I send support once or twice year so it only seems fair that I keep buying your books. Thanks for the help you have given me. Just a quick question - below it says "Also share as a note? I don't know what that means.

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I find your writing thought provoking and nourishing and look forward to reading the new book - good luck with it.

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I have been reading your blog for years. Happy to show my gratitude and get a book as a bonus.

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Congrats Dr. Beck! I can’t wait to read it. No shame in self promotion today 😇

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Can’t wait to read. Congrats!

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Title: Embracing Radiant Bliss

Yvon Roustan ©

In the sunlight's gentle caress,

I feel a warmth that does impress,

Awakening deep within my chest,

A joy that knows no bounds, no less.

Like a wildflower in full bloom,

My spirit dances, dispelling gloom,

In the vastness of love's sweet perfume,

I find solace in joy's sacred room.

It's in the laughter of a child,

In the winds that whisper mild,

In the moments undefiled,

That bliss is truly reconciled.

Embracing radiant bliss, I soar,

Beyond the doubts that I once bore,

With open arms, my heart implore,

To bask in joy forevermore.


This poem celebrates the beauty and transformative power of joy, depicting it as a radiant force capable of lifting the spirit and dispelling darkness. The imagery of sunlight, wildflowers, laughter, and gentle whispers conveys a sense of warmth, growth, and serenity associated with experiencing profound joy.

By evoking the simple yet profound moments of joy found in everyday life, the poem invites the reader to pause, appreciate, and embrace the beauty and happiness that surrounds them. The theme of embracing bliss emphasizes the importance of opening one's heart to joy, letting go of fears and doubts, and allowing oneself to be fully present in the moment.

The title "Embracing Radiant Bliss" encapsulates the essence of the poem, suggesting a mindful and intentional engagement with joy as a source of light and positivity in one's life. Through its uplifting and hopeful tone, the poem serves as a reminder of the power of joy to uplift, inspire, and nourish the soul, inviting readers to cultivate a deeper connection to the joy that exists within and around them.

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