I appreciate this subject a lot; thanks for introducing it to me. Of course, one of the first things I think of is evil. I'm assuming you will get to the matter of evil eventually. What I'm struggling with is if nothing exists without God, how do we understand evil's existence?

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This fits in what I have come to embrace. Our "separation" from God is not because we are somehow "bad", it’s because we're blind and choose to believe the lie we're separated from an angry deity. No wonder Jesus healed so many blind people.

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Good God stuff, and yet . . . what is it in our natures that always tries to box God?

As usual the poets say it best and, in my humble opinion, get closer to Truth. https://youtu.be/yhh68wLedwU?si=t5vJWoFxRkm_yoyY

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I do like the idea that all creaturely reality is somehow "in God.". I'm not sure why the concept of Sophia is necessary in Bulgakov in order to escape pantheism. It seems possible for me to say that all creaturely reality is in God without violating a God/creature dichotomy. How does the concept of Sophia really help us grasp reality more fully? Perhaps that the next post.

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