Beautiful. If I remember correctly, doesn't Lewis refer to the Tao or Dao in Abolition of Man? What you say here is why I have found resonance with calling Jesus my Wayfinder, and ancient saints as Wayfinder who help us follow the Path.

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I highly recommend the book *Christ the Eternal Tao*, by Hieromonk Damascene (St Herman of Alaska Monastery), which teases out how Jesus answers much of the concepts of the Tao. Also, reading the *Tao Te Ching* brings the similarities into sharp focus through a thoroughly different context.

Oh, and *The Mandalorian* is good, too.

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Living out what is professed

as “the way” through transformational integration of Jesus ‘ life example in one’s character is The Way.

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I think The Mandalorian resonates with people because it shows a people committed to a life beyond themselves, that they have a guiding force which brings restrictions with it but also life and community. It’s showing true religion as something powerful and beautiful.

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